Random Collection of Hello Kitty Awesomeness

Some day, when I have a little girl, she will have no choice but to live in a Hello Kitty world.  I loved Hello Kitty when I was little and would spend as much time as possible in the Sanrio store.  My parents would say “Let’s go!” and I’d say “Wait, I just wanted to show you one more thing” and I would search for something else to add to my wish list.  And, despite the fact that I was obsessed with Hello Kitty from a very young age, my parents still call Hello Kitty “My Little Kitty!”

Anyway, I subscribe to several blogs that post random Hello Kitty finds from around the world, and I will share a few of my favorite here:

Hello Kitty Toast Cutter



Hello Kitty Doggie Jewelry


Hello Kitty Race Car


Hello Kitty Vodka

Hello Kitty Engine Oil

Hello Kitty Taser Gun


Hello Kitty Wedding Gown

Hello Kitty Toilet Paper

Hello Kitty Doc Martens




When I was 14, I totally would have had Hello Kitty Braces


Combining 3 of my favorite things: Red Bull, Jewelry, and Hello Kitty


Here are some more bizarre items available:

Hello Kitty Urinal Cakes

Hello Kitty Septic Tank

Hello Kitty Tank


There are hundreds of crazy Hello Kitty products that I just don’t feel comfortable posting here….but let’s just say that there are some pretty wild HK fans out there!

What’s on your Hello Kitty wish list?

The “Turn That Frown Upside Down” Kitty Post

When I’m having a bad day, all I do is Google cute kitten videos and pics.  You can’t stay grumpy when you see precious little baby furballs playing with strings, sleeping, or running into walls.

So, here is my compilation of the best kitty videos and pics I’ve seen lately.

And here are some fun pictures of all kinds of cute animals!

How to Write a Great Blog Post

I can’t tell you how many times I see the blogging gods write about the keys to a great blog post.  There is one secret….kittens.


Puppy Paws Forever

My puppies are my babies. They are spoiled rotten and they know it. I would do anything for them, and even though they make me crazy sometimes, I do miss them when I travel.

A few days ago I found the cutest way to take a little reminder of them with me everywhere I go. All you have to do is send in a paw print of your dog or cat, and they send you back a charm or key keyring with the print and your pet’s name. How cute is that?

Here is the Etsy shop where you can find some samples of their work.  They’re not exactly cheap (about $75 each) but when it comes to pets…nothing is inexpensive!

The Future Glee Star

True story: when I was in 1st grade, I sang Run DMC’s You Be Illin’ for the Southwood Elementary School talent show.  I would pay anything to see that on video, but all I have is this picture:

That’s right…Kangol hat, sunglasses on inside, suit jacket with the sleeves pushed up, and leg warmers over my jeans.  I was, in fact, Illin’.

But if I had to compete against this little guy, I’m not sure I could have won:

Must Have: Hello Kitty Wine

Hello Kitty + Alcohol = heaven!

Available here:  http://store.winefromtheboot.com/Wine