Random Collection of Hello Kitty Awesomeness

Some day, when I have a little girl, she will have no choice but to live in a Hello Kitty world.  I loved Hello Kitty when I was little and would spend as much time as possible in the Sanrio store.  My parents would say “Let’s go!” and I’d say “Wait, I just wanted to show you one more thing” and I would search for something else to add to my wish list.  And, despite the fact that I was obsessed with Hello Kitty from a very young age, my parents still call Hello Kitty “My Little Kitty!”

Anyway, I subscribe to several blogs that post random Hello Kitty finds from around the world, and I will share a few of my favorite here:

Hello Kitty Toast Cutter



Hello Kitty Doggie Jewelry


Hello Kitty Race Car


Hello Kitty Vodka

Hello Kitty Engine Oil

Hello Kitty Taser Gun


Hello Kitty Wedding Gown

Hello Kitty Toilet Paper

Hello Kitty Doc Martens




When I was 14, I totally would have had Hello Kitty Braces


Combining 3 of my favorite things: Red Bull, Jewelry, and Hello Kitty


Here are some more bizarre items available:

Hello Kitty Urinal Cakes

Hello Kitty Septic Tank

Hello Kitty Tank


There are hundreds of crazy Hello Kitty products that I just don’t feel comfortable posting here….but let’s just say that there are some pretty wild HK fans out there!

What’s on your Hello Kitty wish list?

Want to Know How Much I Care About the Harry Potter Saga Ending?

I care thiiiiiiiiiiiis much:

I, for one, am excited the saga of Happy Potter has come to an end.  Granted, I have a special level of hate for Harry Potter because we share the same last name.

To give you some context, one day when I was deathly ill in college, I went to the campus health clinic (where they gave you a pregnancy and mono test every time regardless of your symptoms)  and as I was sniffling my way through the intake nurse’s questions, she gleefully asked “Potter?  Are you related to Harry Potter?”

Yes, moron!  I’m related to a fictional literary character who is a wizard.  Now take my chart and go find me someone who can actually give me some drugs!

This has been the story of my life since 1997.  Every bank teller, customer service rep, and receptionist has had a joke for me for 14 years, and assumed they were the first person to think of such a witty connection.  So, adios Harry Potter.  I don’t know how the book/movie ended, and I don’t care.  But if I wrote the ending, it would have included a fiery death.

Moving on…

Big Brother 13: Episode 1- First Impressions

Big Brother 13 started tonight, and the first episode has left me feeling as excited as I was right before my gallbladder surgery (knowing at some point I would feel better, but not enjoying my current status).

Let’s cover the new cast first.


First Impression: Trying hard to get attention.  He will have some good one liners like tonight’s: “My mind is like a Twizzler.” But I don’t think he will have the stamina or mental agility to compete with the Veterans. He just seems flighty. He will likely fulfill floater status for several weeks if he’s able to keep people laughing. If this blog post was a senior yearbook, I’d vote him Most Likely to Entertain During Showtime After Dark


First Impression:   She will have a hard time relating to the other girls.  She won’t be into the drama, will tell it like it is, and will be unimpressed by stories of modeling or cocktail waitressing.  My guess is she works for Cabella’s or Bass Pro Shops.  She’s corporate, so hopefully she has a killer “it’s just business, not personal” mentality because people who fall off the banana first and are over 40 never win BB.  I’d vote her Most Likely to (s)Mother Jordan.


First Impression: He’s playing a caricature, but I will like the real Adam that comes out around week 3.  His metal rawr will get very annoying if he keeps it up, but I find his interests compelling.  Metal music plus 90210?  Seeing Dick in the house is as good as Tori Spelling walking through the door?  Wha?!?! I think it will be interesting to see if Dick will like Adam or crush his super fan dreams.  I’d vote him Most Likely to be in an All-Girl Alliance.


First Impression: She looks like Thirteen from House (Olivia Wilde) which is distracting.  She got very little face time in the first episode which makes me question if she has enough personality to warrant attention.  However, I’m guessing Rachel will be most jealous of Cassi because I’d argue she’s the prettiest girl in the house, and that could provide entertainment.  Plus, she sounds more intelligent (so far) than Porsche (and her name isn’t Porsche, so her parents probably did something right).  I’d vote her Most Likely to Float (in the pool and in the game).


Speaking of Porsche…. First Impression:  Dislike.  First of all, her name is Porsche.  I understand she didn’t choose her name, but I would have used my middle name if my parents named me after a car.  Second, she’s a “VIP” cocktail waitress, and she lied about her job because people would be jealous of her fabulous lifestyle?  Wait, what?!?!  She’s dumb but doesn’t know it (and not in the endearing Jordan style).  I’d vote her Most Likely to Name Drop.


First Impression:  Super fan with no skills.  If I watched the first episode on mute, I would have liked him.  He’s an HR Manager with strong faith.  He’s a snappy dresser and has a great smile.  Those are all good things.  However, when you think you have the “perfect plan” before you even get into the house AND draw it on a piece of paper AND name your non-existent alliance “Keith’s Angels” you easily become my vote for Most Likely to Get Blindsided by a Backdoor Vote.


First Impression:  She will be this season’s love/hate character.  Half will love her because I guarantee she will start some drama and do lots of smack talking (i.e. not wanting to be paired with Lawon).  Half will hate her because she will be loud and aggressive.  Kudos to CBS for putting a lady with some curves on the show!  However, when you call yourself the “real” Carrie Bradshaw, I’m inclined to dislike you.  Do you know how many love/relationship bloggers there are who sip martinis?  Honey, we’re all Carrie Bradshaw!  Simmer down.  You’re not that fabulous.  I’d vote her Most Likely to Complain About E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!


First Impression:  He’s only here because he knows a casting agent.  First of all, he didn’t know who Evel Dick and Danielle were.  Second, he lives with his mom, doesn’t know how to do laundry or dishes?  What?!?!  That will cause lots of problems in this house if he makes it past week 4.  When they get grumpy and stir-crazy they start noticing who cooks, cleans, and washes dishes.  He won’t get by on his good looks (though I personally don’t find him attractive).  If he and Porsche start hooking up, we’ll be looking at a summer of Dumb and Dumber.  I’d vote him Most Likely to Be The First One Voted Out.

As for the Veterans:

Jeff and Jordan

They’ll keep viewers watching because they’re so darn cute.  Jordan will continue to win random challenges, but fail anything physical (and vice versa for Jeff).  They will be the power couple they’ve always been and will distract us from the Brenchel trainwreck that the CBS producers will shove down our throats.  Everyone will want to align with them, and Jordan will think everyone is sweet, but Jeff will have to sort through people’s true intentions. However, we will have to hear about how Jordan doesn’t need the money because she’s already won BB once before (as will Dick).  Notable Jordan quote tonight:  “He makes me feel like chopped liver, and I hate chopped liver.”

Dick and Danielle

They haven’t spoken in 3 years?  Ouch!  But like Jeff said, not talking to each other worked last time.  I will be highly disappointed if Evel Dick doesn’t make Brendan cry by the 2nd week.  Danielle looks good as a brunette, but I’m pretty sure Dick has had some botox on his forehead.  Something isn’t right there.  I think the twist will help Danielle this season.  She may even throw a comp hoping that they are put on the block so she can campaign against her dad.  I’m not saying that’s a good strategy, but it looked like the wheels were turning in her head.  Dick’s put on some weight, so I don’t think he will be much help in the physical challenges, but I think Danielle could have out-lasted Rachel tonight.

Brenchel (ugh!)

Really, CBS?!  REALLY?!?!?  You HAD to ruin my summer with the “uh-huh-huh-huh” laugh?!?!  I intensely dislike them, and hate how the new twist affects voting one of them off early.  Nothing else to say because talking about them makes me lose my pleasing personality!


In terms of strategy, if I was on that couch when Chenbot said to pair up, I would have paired with Adam.  I don’t think he will be strong physically, but my gut instinct on him is that he will be super loyal to whoever he friends in the house.  He won’t get into a distracting showmance so he can stay focused on the competition.  He won’t be too into himself and will be able to keep the conversation going on a variety of topics over the next 3 months.

Once the “Big Brother Golden Key” twist was announced, this season got interesting.  I’ll be honest, my overall first impression of the newbies was “meh.”  No one stood out as someone I’d really like or as a clear competitor.  Everyone just seemed average and working to build their modeling/acting portfolio.  However, the twist adds an extra level of complexity to the game.  The question is no longer “Who do you want to vote out?” but “Who can you afford to leave in the house for 4 weeks (plenty long enough to build super strong alliances)?” 

It pains me that Rachel won HoH, but since I like Dick, Danielle, Jeff, and Jordan, I’d have to nominate a newbie.  I think I’d have to nominate Shelly/Cassi first.  I’d want to test them because I think they’ll both float if given a chance, and being on the block is a sure-fire way to expose personalities.  Also, I’m neither impressed not annoyed by either yet, so I wouldn’t feel like I’m making a risky move by guaranteeing them 4 weeks in the house.

So, those were my Episode 1 first impressions.  What did you think?

By the way, I’ll probably keep posting my thoughts/opinions here sporadically throughout the season, but if you want a daily recap of what’s happening in the house plus super witty commentary, go over to Hamsterwatch.com.  I’m a big fan.



The 4th of July with a 4 Year Old Pyromaniac

Friends and family know I am no fan of fireworks.  I don’t like things that are loud, unpredictable, and use fire.  Then again, I’m a pretty anxious person….always have been.  When I was a kid, I almost choked out my Aunt Kim when she took me through an automatic car wash.  I don’t do loud noises, small enclosed spaces or large crowds (don’t even get me started on why sidewalk sales at the mall were invented by the devil!).

My husband and his family LIVE for fireworks.  I think they would give up Christmas and birthdays just to have a huge fireworks display on the 4th.  So, each year I mentally prepare myself for watching my husband, brother-in-law, and father-in-law endlessly light fireworks simultaneously while occasionally throwing them at one another before they explode.  Good times.  As an example of their creative fireworks solutions, see the picture to the right which displays their staging method for a giant roman candle.  Um…yeah….

This year, I triple dosed my anxiety meds because my 4-year old nephew wanted to light fireworks like the “big kids.”  He started small with smoke bombs, snakes, sparklers, and poppers, but soon those weren’t enough to satisfy this little pyromaniac.  He needed FIRE!!!  He loved when “Uncle Eric” set up “tank wars” (when he faced multiple tanks towards one another to see which one would ‘win’).  He quickly learned that after a tank was finished exploding, they sometimes light on fire…..and that’s when the 4th of July really got interesting.  The new phrase of the evening was “Can we burn that now?”  and “Let’s burn this place down!!!”

Keep in mind that when I was 4 years old, someone lit one of those fireworks that shoot out parachutes and I took off running as fast as my little feet would take me because it scared the crap out of me.  My mom couldn’t even catch me (partially because she was laughing so hard).  She said all anyone could see is a streak of blonde hair pass by them and I ran by shrieking.

But Collin, my nephew, is a dare-devil (and a total sweetheart).  Watch the videos we took of him yesterday and try to count how many times he says “fire” or “burn.”

The “Turn That Frown Upside Down” Kitty Post

When I’m having a bad day, all I do is Google cute kitten videos and pics.  You can’t stay grumpy when you see precious little baby furballs playing with strings, sleeping, or running into walls.

So, here is my compilation of the best kitty videos and pics I’ve seen lately.

And here are some fun pictures of all kinds of cute animals!